Ahhhhhh!!! The New Year and the changes it can bring. I have shared here previously the knack my daughter, 3B, has for using words in her own unique way. For the New Year she kept asking us what our New Year’s Revolutions were. We would correct her by saying it is New Year Resolutions only to have her say Revolutions the next time. It was quite comical. It is just so her! The carefree creativity in the way she thinks made me think too. Is she on to something? Should it be revolutions and not resolutions? Is there a bigger difference in those two words than just that one little letter?
I think the answer is a resounding YES!!!! Resolution is defined as “a firm decision to do or not do something; the action of solving a problem…”. A revolution is “a turnaround; a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time.” They both speak of change, but I love how revolution is defined, a turnaround; a fundamental change in power. I know I choose to see the wisdom in my daughter’s word mix ups. But is that not more of what we want in the New Year, a change in what has power over us? We all resolve to eat better and exercise more. Who doesn’t want to shed those unwanted pounds? We all resolve to be smarter with our time and money. We all want to be more organized in our homes, and we want to live our lives more fully. But do we think about it as changing what has power over us? When we think about there being a revolt from something there is an unspoken fire in the belly mentality. We associate it with tackling the insurmountable with great force. We recall up risings brought about by wanting things to be better. We remember the freedoms that have been won!! There is a resounding YES we can overcome. It is a battle cry complete with theme music! It is more than a firm decision. It is an overhaul, a change in structure, a new regime to be celebrated!
So I like my daughter’s misuse of words. It lights that fire and sets my mind in motion. It inspires me to make a list of New Year Revolutions!! I want to overcome and I desire change in structure. I crave freedom from all things that have power over me. Some of them have hung around entirely too long.
So I have started a list. And as I contemplate on what to list I am encouraged by a chorus I hear over and over in my head. I hear let’s have a revolution set to a guitar riff I’m sure echoed at Woodstock. In playing name that tune with myself, I finally traced it back to Forrest Gump and his time in Vietnam. A quick Google search helps me out. The chorus is “Got a Revolution Got to Revolution”. The title of the song is Volunteers and the group is Jefferson Airplane. I like the “to” in Got to Revolution. It is like a call to action. And the title Volunteers is who is being called. Year after year we voluntarily make our list of things to improve upon. This year I am resolute to approach my list with more intensity and a greater sense of urgency!!! The difference that one little letter makes is the unspoken fire in the belly. It is what keeps the list from fading from our memory as the year passes by. I am planning on a year of “Got to Revolution”! Are there any other volunteers out there?
I think the answer is a resounding YES!!!! Resolution is defined as “a firm decision to do or not do something; the action of solving a problem…”. A revolution is “a turnaround; a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time.” They both speak of change, but I love how revolution is defined, a turnaround; a fundamental change in power. I know I choose to see the wisdom in my daughter’s word mix ups. But is that not more of what we want in the New Year, a change in what has power over us? We all resolve to eat better and exercise more. Who doesn’t want to shed those unwanted pounds? We all resolve to be smarter with our time and money. We all want to be more organized in our homes, and we want to live our lives more fully. But do we think about it as changing what has power over us? When we think about there being a revolt from something there is an unspoken fire in the belly mentality. We associate it with tackling the insurmountable with great force. We recall up risings brought about by wanting things to be better. We remember the freedoms that have been won!! There is a resounding YES we can overcome. It is a battle cry complete with theme music! It is more than a firm decision. It is an overhaul, a change in structure, a new regime to be celebrated!
So I like my daughter’s misuse of words. It lights that fire and sets my mind in motion. It inspires me to make a list of New Year Revolutions!! I want to overcome and I desire change in structure. I crave freedom from all things that have power over me. Some of them have hung around entirely too long.
So I have started a list. And as I contemplate on what to list I am encouraged by a chorus I hear over and over in my head. I hear let’s have a revolution set to a guitar riff I’m sure echoed at Woodstock. In playing name that tune with myself, I finally traced it back to Forrest Gump and his time in Vietnam. A quick Google search helps me out. The chorus is “Got a Revolution Got to Revolution”. The title of the song is Volunteers and the group is Jefferson Airplane. I like the “to” in Got to Revolution. It is like a call to action. And the title Volunteers is who is being called. Year after year we voluntarily make our list of things to improve upon. This year I am resolute to approach my list with more intensity and a greater sense of urgency!!! The difference that one little letter makes is the unspoken fire in the belly. It is what keeps the list from fading from our memory as the year passes by. I am planning on a year of “Got to Revolution”! Are there any other volunteers out there?